If you don’t know what they have planned for you…

listen up. It’s clear:

UN death plan


I can’t put it any better than one of the commenters on this article who said:

It’s simple to understand for those not blinded by dogma – a 6% reduction – and all we had to do was crash the world economy – make millions unemployed – destroy business – this is your dream come true zed [another commenter] – for most of us it is a nightmare. We have been given a sharp lesson on what the Green Deal is – a return to 19th century living. What will we have to sacrifice to get a 12% reduction?

We won’t have to choose between human lives and the planet – the death rate will only increase as food shortages bite, and people simply cannot make their way in life. This was the elite’s plan, and the judgement of God all rolled into one.

Don’t believe me that it’s the judgement of God? Watch my interview with Dr Jackson Snyder to see:

God Bless you


Covid-19 is the WMD lie of this generation

Not my words, friends, but those of mathematician Andrew Mather, who was recently interviewed on the UK Column news. Here’s a vital video which you should all see, and please do share it far and wide. This information needs to be seen and noted – we have been lied to for a reason. Don’t forget that.

God Bless you


Tick tock… towards totalitarianism

Oh crap.

Excuse my language.

I would have said this to you a week ago, and I knew, deep down, it was coming. The solution to the Covid-19 (lab produced?) virus lockdown? Yes, I’m sure you’re already thinking it…


Universal basic income. Of course. Yes. And then, when you don’t want the vaccine for this virus? Chop! Off goes your income source… Don’t want the mark of the beast? Chop – off goes your income source… you get it.

I quote: (Link)

Every Briton could soon be paid a universal basic salary by the government regardless of means in an attempt to combat the coronavirus cash crisis.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced yesterday that a weekly cash payment for British workers was being considered in the form of a ‘universal basic income’ (UBI).

The temporary supplement was just one of the measures the UK Government is considering in an attempt to protect workers against the economic impact of COVID-19. 

How else could they have brought this in, except that they had a “crisis” to trigger it. But TB isn’t a crisis? Oh no…

average deaths 2020 covid 19

The elites have been planning a long time and I believe that God is going to stop their plans very quickly – but beware – don’t be complacent. Now they have shown their eventual endgame of total lockdown, total control and the destruction of all industry and our freedom to enjoy this wonderful world, it will come, whether now is the time or not.

I pray that God is keeping you safe during this time, and that, should this lockdown stop soon, that you will be able to use the respite to move, to prepare – to do whatever He guides you to do in order to be ready for the next round of this elite control plan.

If you want balanced news on the “crisis” I recommend you watch UK Column youtube channel – no hype, just straight news and comment (plus some useful insider information which the press, funnily enough, won’t share).

This virus is an ordinary virus – the response is an extraordinary response. It’s the dream of the elites to control and to kill – only our enemy wants that. Our God is bigger!

God Bless you


The UK is implementing UN Agenda 2030

Britain has a pothole problem. They have sprung up everywhere and for some reason they aren’t getting filled. This is dangerous for road users, whether car drivers or those on motocycles or bicycles. In many of the Daily Mail’s comment sections, there are folks full of ire that we are spending money on bombing Syria when we can’t even get our potholes filled!

But sadly as with all the nudge tactics of our rulers, the potholes are just that – a nudge. Local authorities state they don’t have the money to repair roads, and this is the beginning, surely, of those roads being deemed “unsustainable.” UN Agenda 2030’s Sustainable development goals will require “unsustainable” things to be defunded, leaving people with the stark choice of whether to stay living in rural areas where they get fewer and fewer services or move to a smart city. The headline says it all:


The National Farmer’s Union has just stated that:

‘Some local authorities have suggested they don’t have enough money to maintain the entire network of rural roads. We fear this could lead to closures and huge disruption for local communities.

‘Farmers and other people in rural areas would be forced to make huge diversions to make journeys that are currently half a mile or so in length, but closures would lead to motorists having to loop round much longer routes.’


And of course if they’re having to drive further that’s also unsustainable – many rural folk are low waged, and travelling further will only make the choice to move to a stack and pack high-rise in a smart city ever easier to make.

Which is what the government wants. They want the rural communities to be lost, and they have an agenda to bring that in, using carefully couched language, some of which has rather a cold tone to it:

leave no one behind.jpg

Leave no one behind? What about those who WANT to live in rural communities? Hmmm – you can read the full report from the UK government here: Link

So I have written to the chairman of my local branch of the NFU today to put this to him, and I will let you know if I get a response. The NFU has a voice, I told him, and they must use it! They must come out against Agenda 2030 while there is still time to stop it.

God Bless you


Trump, the Climate Change treaty and Baal Peor

This new video from Joseph Dumond is a MUST SEE!

Not much to add to that, except to say that I continue to pray for Donald Trump’s safety and that I hope he will be as good as his word. May God protect him.

God Bless you


Clicking ‘Like’

I wish there was a button that just said ‘Thank You’ – as in ‘Thank you for telling me this awful thing you just shared.’ Like? No, I hate most of what I’m reading these days, and I’m frequently, frankly SPEECHLESS, but by goodness I am grateful for the bloggers who put time in to check and share the stories and opinions they do.

Keep on keeping on, everyone!

God Bless you


An important video and some comments on a borderless world

This video which I watched yesterday is worth your time. I think he’s presenting the facts here – the Pope is a tool for bringing in a one-world government.

What I genuinely take issue with is the notion that a borderless world will mean we are free from excessive government control. What it will mean is the race of every African, every Indian to come and live amongst us, creating massive white flight – this is a known phenomenon. There may not be anywhere good to go, but we’ll leave rather than stay amongst people who couldn’t get themselves and their nations out of slum living, let alone demonic worship.

A borderless world also means something much more profound, but hidden, will have to happen. Right now your strawman – your birth certificate, is a sign of your value to your country. It is often said that these are floated on the stock market, but I have never seen any compelling evidence of this. However, you do belong to your country – that is why you have to have permission to enter and live in another. Our movement is monitored to ensure that ‘escaped slaves’ are returned, via deportation, if necessary, from places they would like to be, for example the UK, or the USA.

Our bank loans are, I’m sure, secured by the nation’s wealth in human resources – in other words, if population falls we cannot claim to have enough slaves to repay the loans. Banks aren’t stupid (evil, yes, stupid, no).

So for us to have free movement, all our collateral ‘value’ would have to be transferred to, you guessed it, a one-world government. Something we don’t wish to see. So Jeff Berwick who did the video – perhaps you be careful what you wish for!

For more on the strawman – watch the video I posted here: The strawman and you, politics, the UN, NGOs and the consent of the governed

God Bless you


Deagel.com forecasts UK population to fall by 64.6% by 2025

You realise that is less than a decade? *tic toc* This is less than a decade, and yet the population is forecast to fall from 64 million to 23 million in that timeframe. What catastrophe could they possiby have in mind for us?


They? Yes – the information provided on Deagel.com comes from:

Sources: US Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, World Bank and European Union.

I know I’ve written about this before, but it bears repeating, because we’re just not getting it – look at the sky yesterday well it’s even worse today – they started well before I was up, and the sky is already pale and silvery and it’s barely 11am.

This is genocide – is this how they plan to kill us all?

Who knows, but all I know is that the UK and US are in for the biggest drops in population, and we need to turn to the LORD now. Let’s not waste another day in fighting to cut off the heads of the hydra that is evil – let’s side with GOOD today and forever more. God is not an easy road, He’s not an easy choice, but when you know Him you want nothing more than what He gives you to fight each day.

For me, I am finally learning to trust Him daily. It’s not been easy, but it’s getting easier, because He is good, and not because I am.

God Bless you


The Daily Mail’s manipulated comments facility

Oh this had me pretty angry yesterday – so obvious to any commenter who checks. This was the story that I commented on as a first-time commenter:


As no-one appeared to have commented I wrote: “This is Agenda 21 housing! (Now Agenda 2030). Tiny rabbit-hutch houses is what they’d like us all living in!”

Then I had to register, and then went to the article again and couldn’t see my comment so wrote it again (ended up posting it twice, never mind…) and then this happened:

My comment, according to my account showed this:

politicised dishonesty at the dm

Yet at the same time the bottom of the ‘Best rated’ tab showed this:

dm comments

My comment should have been there, no? I think so! So I thought I’d just take a quick look at the ‘Best Rated’ comments:

politicised comments policy on show

Of course – in favour of the tiny little rabbit-hutch houses. The same thing happened later on an article about Syria – perhaps I should be charitable and say they the Daily Mail’s comments facility wasn’t working last night… but I will be watching DM!

God Bless you



Agenda 21 rears it’s ugly head in London

Look – little tiny teensy weensy flats. Oh look at them – only £1,080 a month! *How much???*

agenda 21.jpg


This is how they want us all living. Just watch! Oh and a nice touch calling it ‘The Collective’ – hidden in plain sight that this is the ‘watermelon’ take-over. If you haven’t heard of watermelons before in this context, that’s someone who’s ‘green’ on the outside, pushing green policies, but underneath they’re really red – in other words communists.


God Bless you
