A daily prayer for our leaders

I wanted to write a prayer for our leaders around the world, and give it it’s own page on the blog so that I will remember to read it through and pray it daily, because I keep forgetting to pray for them, and as I’ve written before, we are called to do so. So here goes šŸ™‚

Heavenly Father I pray today for those in leadership around the world, those who lead us in the physical world, whether locally or nationally, and those who are our spiritual leaders, our pastors and elders too. I pray YHWH, that you would protect them from evil, and from evil impulses, and bring their hearts into subjection to Your Will and Your Law. Lord I pray that you will cause them to love us, their people and to do us good. I pray Lord that you will cause them to bring us into repentance and righteous walking in Your Way through your mighty and merciful guidance. All this I pray in the name of Yeshua, ha’Mashiach – Amen!

God Bless you
