America is in trouble.

As if you didn’t already know this, I’m going to point out some things in this post which should really make you think. It’s way worse than many realise. You cannot even trust those who appear to be on your own side! No, you cannot! I’m sorry to say it.

This article appeared in the Daily Mail: (Link)

This event has been heavily counter protested, which is good news, but there is a but…

I’m sorry to say that these are what we call these days “glowies” – this means that these guys are Feds dressed up as “White Supremacists” and labelled everywhere they go as “extremists”. They don’t mind, and I’m sure their mothers are ever so proud of them! But they give real protesters a bad name, and that’s deliberate.

Smearing genuine protesters is a classic ploy of the American deep state.

Real protesters look like this man above. His proclamation, however that satan has no rights (and no, spell check, I will not give satan a capital s), is not quite true.

Satan has all the rights you give him through sin. He has all the rights of access that you give him through your sin – you open the doors to him every time you pretend that same sex marriage is OK, or that trans people are a real phenomenon, not a mental and spiritual sickness. Every time you scarf down that ham sandwich, or that black pudding you love so much you are opening a door to satan in your life. We are called to be sanctified, not to continue lazily walking in sin, and heaping our suffering upon Christ, and Him crucified.

Our Messiah laid down His life on our behalf – He died for our sins. So maybe if America focussed on stopping sin, it would see a turning away from satan instead of the creeping spread of his kingdom. There is no doubt that satan is flourishing in America today.

You may wonder (although I’m sure I am preaching to the choir here), what exactly am I doing that’s so sinful? Read 1 John 3:4

God kept the bible whole for you. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived, you are utterly surrounded by sin and evil in modern America’s cities. You are being lied to daily by your media and most Christians are completely asleep at the wheel.

If you want to pray against this evil conference, here’s a prayer I suggest:

Lord God, I ask that you forgive the sins of those attending this satancon event, and that you therefore break the occult power that they have built through those sins. Nullify their efforts and speak crop failure into their plans. Cause their curses to bring blessings, and for every harm they intend to cause, instead give robust health. Let them be utterly confounded who seek to harm anyone through the use of evil. May all be delivered from their evil and may they instead encounter the power and Might of God – and those whom you will to save, let them be saved there in that very place in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and may they Glorify the Father!

It’s time to put on the armour, and pray warfare prayers like you’ve never prayed them before. It’s time, on this night, when they plan to do evil, for us to counter that. But beware, if you have doors open to the enemy, you’re going to get your butt kicked like you never have before.

Repent and turn from your wicked ways – keep His commandments, or give room to the devil – it’s that simple a choice.

What will you do?

May God have mercy on us all.


One thought on “America is in trouble.”



    Shalom Aleichem and Mazel Tov Everyone!! πŸ’•

    I Love πŸ’• you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because πŸ’• HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST πŸ’•!! Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!1


    Love πŸ’• Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/

    Kristi 1611 AV

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