America is in trouble.

As if you didn’t already know this, I’m going to point out some things in this post which should really make you think. It’s way worse than many realise. You cannot even trust those who appear to be on your own side! No, you cannot! I’m sorry to say it.

This article appeared in the Daily Mail: (Link)

This event has been heavily counter protested, which is good news, but there is a but…

I’m sorry to say that these are what we call these days “glowies” – this means that these guys are Feds dressed up as “White Supremacists” and labelled everywhere they go as “extremists”. They don’t mind, and I’m sure their mothers are ever so proud of them! But they give real protesters a bad name, and that’s deliberate.

Smearing genuine protesters is a classic ploy of the American deep state.

Real protesters look like this man above. His proclamation, however that satan has no rights (and no, spell check, I will not give satan a capital s), is not quite true.

Satan has all the rights you give him through sin. He has all the rights of access that you give him through your sin – you open the doors to him every time you pretend that same sex marriage is OK, or that trans people are a real phenomenon, not a mental and spiritual sickness. Every time you scarf down that ham sandwich, or that black pudding you love so much you are opening a door to satan in your life. We are called to be sanctified, not to continue lazily walking in sin, and heaping our suffering upon Christ, and Him crucified.

Our Messiah laid down His life on our behalf – He died for our sins. So maybe if America focussed on stopping sin, it would see a turning away from satan instead of the creeping spread of his kingdom. There is no doubt that satan is flourishing in America today.

You may wonder (although I’m sure I am preaching to the choir here), what exactly am I doing that’s so sinful? Read 1 John 3:4

God kept the bible whole for you. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived, you are utterly surrounded by sin and evil in modern America’s cities. You are being lied to daily by your media and most Christians are completely asleep at the wheel.

If you want to pray against this evil conference, here’s a prayer I suggest:

Lord God, I ask that you forgive the sins of those attending this satancon event, and that you therefore break the occult power that they have built through those sins. Nullify their efforts and speak crop failure into their plans. Cause their curses to bring blessings, and for every harm they intend to cause, instead give robust health. Let them be utterly confounded who seek to harm anyone through the use of evil. May all be delivered from their evil and may they instead encounter the power and Might of God – and those whom you will to save, let them be saved there in that very place in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and may they Glorify the Father!

It’s time to put on the armour, and pray warfare prayers like you’ve never prayed them before. It’s time, on this night, when they plan to do evil, for us to counter that. But beware, if you have doors open to the enemy, you’re going to get your butt kicked like you never have before.

Repent and turn from your wicked ways – keep His commandments, or give room to the devil – it’s that simple a choice.

What will you do?

May God have mercy on us all.


Donald Trump is NOT a freemason – an update

A long time ago I wrote a piece asking the question as to whether Donald Trump is a freemason. It’s had a lot of clicks over the years – people are curious as to whether he is or isn’t. I’m sure by now you know that he’s not. If he was, he would still be President – as he should be.

Trump’s only halo of his Presidency

Donald Trump is the first President of modern times to NOT start a war during his Presidency. This is a man who wanted to “drain the swamp” – something even he couldn’t do. He did what he could, and created a thriving economy after years of Democrat-driven destruction. Trump encouraged people to believe in American exeptionalism which really grated with the globalists. Their lackeys in the press mocked him daily. They derided him and worked against him. He was undermined at every turn.

So that said, do you know now? Do you know that he’s not a mason? Because it ought to be pretty clear.

What you have now is a puppet – a man who is not a legitimate president. You now must accept that you live in a country without justice, in which your Supreme Court is no longer upholding justice and the rule of law.

And, dear American friends, you must now prepare for what is coming. You know that there will again be mass shootings on US soil – not because they are real, but because false flags will get your guns taken away.

The democrats are evil, and full of evil intentions – they despise justice and the rule of law, even as you uphold it.

The one thing I caution you is to guard your heart. This is the hardest time – the time when our hearts can become hardened against our fellow man. It’s difficult to avoid as our viewpoints become ever more polarised by propaganda which seeks to divide.

Things are going to get worse for America – the democrats will make sure of it.

May God have mercy on the American people.


In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe…

…according to one image posted the other day on Snippits and Slappits blog. I was curious – where could this have come from and was this some kind of prophecy or was it a plan – an elite plan…? This is the image I saw, and saved:


So I did a bit of investigation. I went to and typed in the first line there (the title of this piece). Nothing came up until I put it into quotes. Then this came up:

End of Days

A link for you if you want to read it yourself.

The book it comes from is called End of Days and was written by Sylvia Browne. Was she onto something?

sylvia browne 4

Well, as we will see, she is a psychic – and the other predictions on those pages clearly show that she was way out on almost everything else she said.

For example:

Sylvia Browne

Um, nope to all of those.

sylvia browne 2

The influx of “advanced spirits” is clearly not the third world influx we are currently seeing, because they have brought crime to our doorsteps – goodness, there are now carjackings in Birmingham in the UK.

sylvia browne 3

Again, no – and I have selected only those things which should have come to pass already, and over less than one chapter of her book.

So if you are thinking this is an important prediction, the answer is that Sylvia was spot on in one out of many predictions. She was a false prophet. If you are expecting all these things to have been, or still to come true, you have been misled.

But finally, just how seriously should we be taking this Coronavirus. Well, I will say “run from the cure” as far as this goes. Coronaviruses are common colds – what are they doing to make this so fatal? Is it the HIV meds they are using to treat it? It’s NOT a retrovirus!


Pray for the covering hand of our precious God, and for discernment – yes there will be predictions and doom mongering, and some will be correct, but we know what to think about false prophets:

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matt 7:15 ESV

Don’t be fooled – stick close to God – the real God, the God of the bible.



More Novichok nonsense!

They never tire of deceiving us, our leaders. Imagine how these police must feel – either they are in on the gaff, or they are worried that they are unprotected.

You see Novichok is a “military grade” nerve agent. Military grade nerve agents kill in moments. They are incredibly dangerous. Even the tiniest speck and they can kill you. But here we see police wearing no greater protection than some blue rubber gloves. Bare arms, bare faces, no breathing protection. They are vulnerable!

novichok 1

Here they are at work on their hands and knees doing a careful search of the site:

novichok nonsense.jpg


How do they tell their families the charade they are involved in? After all the local Fire Service said this in a now-deleted tweet:


Nothing to worry about but now a woman has died – the only person to have been killed by this “military grade” nerve agent.

Sadly the most likely reason for the womans death, and the hospitalisation of her boyfriend is a batch of contaminated heroin. Wiltshire (which is where all this drama is taking place) is not only the site of a recent scare about synthetic heroin, and I quote:

Change Grow Live (CGL), which supports drug addicts in Swindon, warned GPs in the town that the potentially lethal fentanyl could be circulating in Swindon. (Link)

But it’s also the site of Porton Down – Britain’s military chemical weapons facility. Just too convenient that, isn’t it? Of course, the Russians did it! Oh, no they didn’t! It’s behind you! Yes, folks this really is a pantomime!

But it gets worse, because there’s “contamination” in Wiltshire – first in Salisbury and now in Amesbury. These sites could contaminate you (with a “military grade” nerve agent, no less). Public Health England has been brought in to reassure and advise the public how to deal with possibly contaminated clothes and other articles you might have with you:



Yes, because baby wipes are designed to remove “military grade” nerve agents! Oh and don’t worry about spreading contamination to your bin, will you.

Whilst it’s easy to laugh (and it really really is), this comedy could turn to tragedy if the government’s Russophobia continues. Putin is not my enemy, and he’s not yours either. The only people who want trouble with Russia are the Rothschilds who recognise that Putin doesn’t want to play their debt-money game anymore. Treason May may well use this Rothschild inspired plot to keep us in Europe too. She is failing to deliver Brexit, which is now known as “Brexit without the exit”.

This is looking like a classic false flag, and the danger to the people of this country in poking the Russian bear should not be underestimated!




Novichok false flag comes to Salisbury again

I don’t often report on false flags these days because the time it takes to explain and provide details is too much – I hope that by now you’re all as jaded with the jokes being played on us as I am. If so, you are naturally going to assume it’s fake unless indicated otherwise. But the anti-Russia rhetoric continues – how else can Treason May reunite Europe and get us to accept military unification with Europe (which is happening right now)? She must have a bogeyman, and that bogeyman is the one white country which isn’t playing ball with the elites. As the attack poodle of the elites, Mrs May must convince us to go to war against our own race again – notice how WWI and WWII were both wars within the white race. Hmmm.

Anyway, Novichok has raised it’s ugly head again and this time we can laugh heartily because we know it’s all theatre. I can’t embed the video from this page, but please go and watch it:


If you watched it and didn’t see what’s in front of your face you are not alone – most people don’t. So why is it suspicious? Why do I say it’s a false flag?

Paramedics in hazmat suits, yes – but their wrists and heads are exposed. Those police helping them have no protection at all (from a deadly “military grade” nerve agent????). Bare arms and faces uncovered. No this is not a deadly nerve agent, this is theatre. False, fake and we are being led around by the nose – enough!

Salisbury Novichok event is another FALSE FLAG. Do not be fooled.


Trump lights the touchpaper

Oh dear. This isn’t good.



I think this game of conkers has gone far enough. Unfortunately the elites who really control things are pulling his strings, and Trump has fallen for a lie. There was no chemical attack, but if they can produce a teensy bit of footage, the outrage will ignite Trumps fury and they can get on with their proxy war in Syria.

But why now? Yes, that’s a very good question? The reputation of Russia has been dragged through the mud ever since Trump took office (prior to that Obama was trying, but it wasn’t working). Every lie that has been spread about the Russians and their attempts to influence elections or whatever was all because of this Syrian conflict.

At this point Syria has almost completely won the war with Russia’s help, and so a false flag was needed to try to convince the public (? really? we don’t matter, perhaps to merely convince Trump et al) that Assad had decided to attack his own people right at the point where the war was won. The issue is that the United States cannot allow Assad to win this war, nor the Russians to help him to victory – every means, fair or foul, must be used to create a new military threat there, and allow ‘Murica to wade in with its size 10’s and made another bloody mess!

f in freedom.jpg


All of this will be laid at the feet of the next generation – a tax on all their future earnings. War is not cheap.

We see that Theresa May has decided not to leap into Syria “without evidence” however I suspect she may be persuaded (I pray not!).

All any of us can do at this point is to continue to SPEAK THE TRUTH to whoever will listen – people in the supermarket queue is necessary!

Some people are awake – these are the top two comments on the DM article linked above:

top two comments

Not one of the top ten comments support this action.

I’m tired of banging this drum, but while I see injustice, I have to speak out about it. Again, I urge you to listen to and support the UK Column. This was their Monday show – they talked extensively about the “evidence” or lack of in Syria for this chemical attack amongst other things.

I pray that Assad and Putin will be protected and able to do their jobs. I pray for wisdom and clarity for Trump and May and the other puppets – let them not be used to form a third world war!

God Bless you


The lapdog lynch mob – the list in full

These are the countries who have expelled Russian diplomats (“spies”!!!!) and the numbers: (Link)

UK – 23

US – 60

Ukraine – 13

France – 4

Germany – 4

Poland – 4

Canada – 4

Lithuania – 3 (targets 21)

Czech Republic – 3

Holland – 2

Denmark – 2

Italy – 2

Spain – 2

Australia – 2

Latvia – 1

Sweden – 1

Estonia – 1

Romania – 1

Finland – 1

Croatia – 1

Norway – 1

For now, the following EU nations have not said they’ll expel Russian diplomats: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Russia has vowed to respond.

What I find particularly upsetting in all this was that yesterday Russia was in mourning for the loss of perhaps 70 people in a tragic fire at a soft play centre in Siberia. Most of the victims were children and/or their parents. This is of far greater importance to the Russian people than some diplomatic spat. Shame on these countries for not standing with Russia over this terrible tragedy.

No, painting them as the enemy is convenient. It is aimed at reuniting Europe, with integrated military functions (which they were busy working on behind the scenes anyway, as any of you who watch the UK Column news will know), and in order to derail Brexit.

I have never in my lifetime felt such a sense of disgust towards the media in particular, but our leadership specifically. They seem hell-bend on war – a war with whom? A military power with nukes? Are they really that stupid?

Perhaps in fact they have been planning to poke the Russian bear all this time for a reason. Remember Read: The world in 2025 (according to the elites)


A reduction of our population by HOW MUCH????

And the US?



Whoops! How’s that population drop looking for you? (By the way only two years before the forecast was 65 million – they are planning more and more deaths!)

But Russia?

Russia 2025

No real drop in population, but look at the military budget. Compare it with the US.

So if you think this isn’t part of a planned genocide (a nuclear one perhaps?) then what else is it for?

You don’t poke a bear unless you want to get eaten.

God Bless you


Theresa May has just breached an international convention? Oh dear…

may breaches international law

Silly Theresa May – she’s decided to try to bully a great big bear. I don’t think she’ll get very far – most likely she will be mauled at the minimum. Her posturing is pathetic, and her actions inflammatory. Such foolishness is unbecoming of a world class leader. Theresa May is proving that she is not a world class leader. Oh dear (all over again). (Link to the above article)

The Russian Embassy tweeted out the following yesterday after stating that the allegations were “evidence free”: (from this article: Link)


So why, Theresa, have you not complied? Is it because you want to paint Russia as the bad guys? Are you in effect trying to influence the coming Russian elections? You wouldn’t do a thing like that, would you?

The Embassy continued:


Without a joint investigation, as prescribed by international law:

fake news

The propaganda continues. A few great comments appeared on that article though:

common sense.jpg

common sense 2

Some are concerned that Vlad will switch off the gas (no need, just hike the price, that’d do enough to put Theresa back in her place).


I quote from the top article:

In a dramatic escalation of the spat with Russia, Mrs May said: ’Under the Vienna Convention the United kingdom will now expel 23 Russian diplomats who have been identified as undeclared intelligence officers – they have just one week to leave.

‘This will be the single biggest expulsion in over 30 years and it reflects the fact this is not the first time that the Russian state has acted against our country.

‘Through these expulsions we will fundamentally degrade Russian intelligence capability in the UK for years to come. And if they seek to rebuild it we will prevent them from doing so.’

In an apparent reference to the activities of Russian oligarchs, Mrs May said there would be tighter checks on those coming to the country.

I have said before that the elites (Rothschild) are behind this shift in relations between our countries. Putin is very measured – in fact the more I pay attention to his actions the more I am awed by his calm and measured tone. Putin is a statesman, and May is merely a minion of the Rothschilds and their filthy cronies who want to both influence the Russian elections, and who want to create a (profitable) war that we have no money to fight, let alone manpower. A new cold war would suit the Rothschilds who are upset at the actions of Russia in creating gold-backed money! In fact don’t you think that in the derailment of the elite’s plans to get Hillary Clinton into office (cue: WWIII), they have changed tack and used another of their assets, Mrs May?

Anyway, what is clear is that the Russians are not our enemies – even if it were believable that their leadership were (which it is not). That would be like saying that you or I should be punished for the actions of Theresa May. It is people – ordinary people like you and me – who will suffer in this ghastly posturing and warmongering. Thankfully many appreciate the Russians!


May God protect us all!

God Bless you


Oh dear…

How embarrassing! It seems that, even though the Russian government is being implicated in the Skripal “nerve agent” attack on British soil (by our government, that is), we… err, we’ve been doing things like this ourselves for years.


oh dear.jpg

Yes, it is embarrassing, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be terrible if you emailed this post, or the complete report (Link) to your friends and family so that all your British friends would know the truth. Let me briefly quote from the report:

On September 7th, 2015, Prime Minister David Cameron came to Parliament and announced a “new departure” for Britain, a policy of killing individuals the Security Services and the military do not like, people placed on a list of individuals who the UK (acting along with the US and others) have identified and systematically plan to kill. The mere admission that there is a Kill List certainly should, indeed, have been a “departure” for a country that prides itself on decency. Unfortunately, it was not a “new departure” at all, as we had been doing it secretly for more than a decade. […] This Report demonstrates that Britain conspired in a US-inspired Kill List soon after 9/11. Starting in 2002, working closely with the Americans, Britain had played a leading role in the euphemistic Joint Prioritized Effective List (JPEL). As with Yemen, the JPEL Kill List was not even limited to a war zone – it spanned over into Pakistan, which was an ally, not an enemy at war.

So our “moral high ground” is actually a ravine. Whoops.

Theresa May should be ashamed of herself!

God Bless you
