Trump lights the touchpaper

Oh dear. This isn’t good.



I think this game of conkers has gone far enough. Unfortunately the elites who really control things are pulling his strings, and Trump has fallen for a lie. There was no chemical attack, but if they can produce a teensy bit of footage, the outrage will ignite Trumps fury and they can get on with their proxy war in Syria.

But why now? Yes, that’s a very good question? The reputation of Russia has been dragged through the mud ever since Trump took office (prior to that Obama was trying, but it wasn’t working). Every lie that has been spread about the Russians and their attempts to influence elections or whatever was all because of this Syrian conflict.

At this point Syria has almost completely won the war with Russia’s help, and so a false flag was needed to try to convince the public (? really? we don’t matter, perhaps to merely convince Trump et al) that Assad had decided to attack his own people right at the point where the war was won. The issue is that the United States cannot allow Assad to win this war, nor the Russians to help him to victory – every means, fair or foul, must be used to create a new military threat there, and allow ‘Murica to wade in with its size 10’s and made another bloody mess!

f in freedom.jpg


All of this will be laid at the feet of the next generation – a tax on all their future earnings. War is not cheap.

We see that Theresa May has decided not to leap into Syria “without evidence” however I suspect she may be persuaded (I pray not!).

All any of us can do at this point is to continue to SPEAK THE TRUTH to whoever will listen – people in the supermarket queue is necessary!

Some people are awake – these are the top two comments on the DM article linked above:

top two comments

Not one of the top ten comments support this action.

I’m tired of banging this drum, but while I see injustice, I have to speak out about it. Again, I urge you to listen to and support the UK Column. This was their Monday show – they talked extensively about the “evidence” or lack of in Syria for this chemical attack amongst other things.

I pray that Assad and Putin will be protected and able to do their jobs. I pray for wisdom and clarity for Trump and May and the other puppets – let them not be used to form a third world war!

God Bless you


Nancy Pelosi – does she know something about the potential for vote rigging?

Hmmm – what an interesting little video this is…

What do you think of that then? She ‘guarantees’ that Trump won’t be President? That is only possible if she’s confessing to KNOWING that the vote will be rigged, surely! Perhaps this quote from Stalin applies here:


I think if Trump doesn’t get in, a civil war will be started – maybe that’s their plan? I don’t know.

But what I want to share here is a little snippet I’ve not had the chance to share before.

Nancy Pelosi has what is known as Yang Sanpaku eye.

Whaty what what?

Take a quick look at the chart below:


The degree to which the white of the eye shows when someone is looking ahead is a sign of their state of wellbeing. Yin Sanpaku is the top four – the white of the eye shows decidedly between the pupil of the eye and the lower eyelid. The last one is the one to pay attention to – the whites are visible above and to the sides of the pupil. Nancy Pelosi has these:


And guess who else shares that trait? Little ‘Hitlery’ Clinton (the chosen, if Pelosi’s video above is anything to go by):


Very aggressive looking.

Just in case you think that reference to this as Yin and Yang is a departure for this Christian blog – these are qualities of people’s being. A man SHOULD be yang – males who are healthy display this energy. Yin is the feminine energy, which when in imbalance is very unhealthy in a man, and is much healthier for a woman. A woman should not be too masculine or Yang – you can see the issue here! Yin and Yang are just names which the Chinese applied to these qualitites, so this isn’t something to get worried by. These women have taken their male Yang energy to the uttermost – to dangerous levels. I suspect they both have demons in control of them.

Thanks to for this info – you can read more about Sanpaku eyes and see more picture here: Link

God Bless you
