The covenant is open to all

Our Messiah told us so, and showed us in his parable of the wedding feast, that those who had been called would make excuses not to come to the feast, and so the servants would go into the streets and call those who were willing to come!

And this is what I recall when I see the situation between Israel and Palestine.

I see that any Palestinian child is as precious to God, and as able to enter the covenant because of the Messiah as any Israeli child, or English child, or African child. I see them as innocent victims of extremism on both sides and I cannot, as someone who lives currently in a war zone elsewhere, condone attacks on any civilian buildings!

I think of the frightened mothers and grandmothers, I think of the terror they are experiencing in Gaza and I am horrified. This breaks all international laws.

But I also thought to myself: “What would David do?” King David. David would have wiped out every Palestinian in Gaza and razed it to the ground. Old testament thinking – David wouldn’t have turned the other cheek or considered that two wrongs don’t make a right.

Messiah said that he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword, and that by the measure we judge others we shall be judged; that “he who is without sin” can cast the first stone.

I weep for the children, for the mothers and grandmothers – on both sides! Let the extremists fight it out in words, let the innocent not be hurt.

This truly is a wicked world.

May God have mercy on us all.


God will NOT be MOCKED!

We worship and serve a righteous God. He has instructed us as to how to live, and shown us a law which brings blessings. The curses we received for disobeying it can be seen all around us today. When we see things which the world thinks are acceptable, but which we instinctively know are not only wrong, but abhorrent, we can see why we are “in the world, but not of the world” and we must speak in whatever way we can, and to whoever will listen. We cannot sit silently when this evil is going on all around us. Not only going on, but promoted and rubbed in our faces by the demonic media who love nothing more than controversy.

This week’s haul of the vile and wrong contains two articles which I will link, but not quote. I want you to focus on how you can pray about these issues, and how your prayers can reach Heaven to the ear of God Himself. We are praying for the salvation of these people, their turning away from sin. We are praying for the tearing down of demonic strongholds. What else would you pray – leave a comment below.

Use every opportunity, and every abominable, calamitous article to spur you to prayer. We can and will turn back this tide if we are prepared to pray against it. Did you know that 100 souls came to Christ because of those who were protesting at satancon, which I wrote about in the last post? 100 souls who saw those protesters, and asked why they were there. Even the “far right” “glowies” couldn’t stop this!

Opportunities for salvation are all around – the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Be the willing hands and willing heart that God can use to touch and change those who are His in this world!

Pure evil on display. This wickedness must NEVER be tolerated, but we can pray, oh we can pray…

God will NOT be MOCKED – these “new humans” will not be human beings at all. We must speak into the situation, and call for God’s will to be done. Share your best prayers for this situation in the comments below.

Our God is a righteous and perfect God. He is the perfect judge. He judges according to His own law, which He gave to us as the safety rails for our lives in this fallen world. We have free will, we have the choice. What will you choose?

God bless you


Please join me on Twitter at Torah Truthers channel

America is in trouble.

As if you didn’t already know this, I’m going to point out some things in this post which should really make you think. It’s way worse than many realise. You cannot even trust those who appear to be on your own side! No, you cannot! I’m sorry to say it.

This article appeared in the Daily Mail: (Link)

This event has been heavily counter protested, which is good news, but there is a but…

I’m sorry to say that these are what we call these days “glowies” – this means that these guys are Feds dressed up as “White Supremacists” and labelled everywhere they go as “extremists”. They don’t mind, and I’m sure their mothers are ever so proud of them! But they give real protesters a bad name, and that’s deliberate.

Smearing genuine protesters is a classic ploy of the American deep state.

Real protesters look like this man above. His proclamation, however that satan has no rights (and no, spell check, I will not give satan a capital s), is not quite true.

Satan has all the rights you give him through sin. He has all the rights of access that you give him through your sin – you open the doors to him every time you pretend that same sex marriage is OK, or that trans people are a real phenomenon, not a mental and spiritual sickness. Every time you scarf down that ham sandwich, or that black pudding you love so much you are opening a door to satan in your life. We are called to be sanctified, not to continue lazily walking in sin, and heaping our suffering upon Christ, and Him crucified.

Our Messiah laid down His life on our behalf – He died for our sins. So maybe if America focussed on stopping sin, it would see a turning away from satan instead of the creeping spread of his kingdom. There is no doubt that satan is flourishing in America today.

You may wonder (although I’m sure I am preaching to the choir here), what exactly am I doing that’s so sinful? Read 1 John 3:4

God kept the bible whole for you. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived, you are utterly surrounded by sin and evil in modern America’s cities. You are being lied to daily by your media and most Christians are completely asleep at the wheel.

If you want to pray against this evil conference, here’s a prayer I suggest:

Lord God, I ask that you forgive the sins of those attending this satancon event, and that you therefore break the occult power that they have built through those sins. Nullify their efforts and speak crop failure into their plans. Cause their curses to bring blessings, and for every harm they intend to cause, instead give robust health. Let them be utterly confounded who seek to harm anyone through the use of evil. May all be delivered from their evil and may they instead encounter the power and Might of God – and those whom you will to save, let them be saved there in that very place in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and may they Glorify the Father!

It’s time to put on the armour, and pray warfare prayers like you’ve never prayed them before. It’s time, on this night, when they plan to do evil, for us to counter that. But beware, if you have doors open to the enemy, you’re going to get your butt kicked like you never have before.

Repent and turn from your wicked ways – keep His commandments, or give room to the devil – it’s that simple a choice.

What will you do?

May God have mercy on us all.


Why non-Christians ‘hate’ Christians

This is worth sharing again.

Selah Ministries

Now, I’ve put ‘hate’ in quotes there, because as you’ll see this isn’t real hatred. It’s not because of what we stand for, it’s something much more fundamental, and I’ll explain this from my own experience.

There was a time in my life where I was very New Agey in outlook. I really bought into all that ‘self empowerment’ stuff, and worked hard at it. The thing was it just didn’t work for me. Everything I tried, well, I got no results. But I was not happy and not well, and I knew that I couldn’t live like that, and one day, in desperation, I prayed to God in Jesus’ name, and He answered my prayer immediately. It was a real ‘kapow’ moment! My life was changed there and then, because I was profoundly moved by the experience. I was also, however, rather bothered by what I had just found…

View original post 539 more words

Prayer revival for the Children of Israel

Prayer revival needs to begin with:

  1. Acknowledge WHO you are! (The children of Israel, whether grafted in, or from the rootstock)
  2. That God YHWH is your God (New Age concepts like one god for all religions are NOT the God of the bible)
  3. Ask God for the blessings – and bless each other!

Numbers 6:22-27 reads:

22 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 23 “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them:

24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’

27 “So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them.”

Whose name is upon you? Whose name is upon your family and your household? Bless your family always according to these words.

God Bless you!


Letter to Justin Welby from Jews for Justice

This letter exemplifies the horrors being set in train by, again, socialist governments around the world as they exclude and other the unvaxxed. Please read and share.


Monday 10th January 2022

Dear Rev. Welby,

On behalf of the organisation Jews for Justice I am writing to express our concern at your recent comments that it is somehow immoral to take a personal decision not to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

I will not lecture you on the principles of bodily sovereignty and Christian inclusiveness, but I will alert you to the lessons of Nazi Germany.

The current ‘othering’ of the unvaccinated precisely reflects the ‘othering’ of Jews in 1930s Germany.

I speak not of the Holocaust but of the events that preceded the Holocaust.

The German parliament abolished the constitution on 23rd March 1933, allowing Adolf Hitler to take complete control. Two years later the Nuremberg Laws excluded Jews from citizenship and introduced a ‘citizenship certificate’ for the rest of the population in order to ensure their compliance to the regime.

On 23rd March 2020 the British Prime Minister overrode the (unwritten) constitution and placed the entire country under house arrest without precedent. A little less than two years later the introduction of mandatory vaccinations for health workers and vaccine passports for the public at large will exclude the unvaccinated from the full rights of citizenship and ensure the compliance of anyone who does possess such a passport with the diktats of the regime.

National Socialism in Germany subjugated the rights of individual citizens to the collective will of the state; exactly the same is now happening here in Britain.

It is impossible to deny the parallel between the first two years of the Nazi regime in Germany and the last two years in Britain.

Furthermore – although public hostility to Jews in Nazi Germany was evident from the beginning of the regime in 1933 – Jews were not sent to concentration camps in any large numbers until 1938, nor enclosed in ghettos until 1939, nor forced to wear yellow identifying badges until 1941; and it was not until that same year of 1941 that concentration camps became extermination camps.

So it was not evident in the mid-1930s where hostility to Jews in Germany would eventually lead. But we know what happened, and it is our duty to ensure that we learn the lessons of history.

The function of our organisation Jews for Justice is to use our unique position as British Jews to warn the public at large how history is in danger of repeating itself. This is our sacred duty to our ancestors who died in the Holocaust.

In Nazi Germany, the confinement of Jews within ghettos and their ‘evacuation’ to concentration camps was justified by the regime on grounds of public health, in particular the threat of typhus. The very same ‘public health’ justification is being used today to restrict the civil liberties of those who choose not to be vaccinated.

People in public life such as yourself who stir up hostility to the unvaccinated are no different from those Nazis who stirred up hostility to the Jews in 1930s Germany. If you cannot see the parallel it is because you are closing your eyes deliberately.

You will also be aware that the German churches were conspicuous in their failure to speak out against the crimes of National Socialism. You are repeating that mistake.

Finally, we are appalled that you should recently have compared the silence of politicians on the subject of ‘climate change’ – a hypothetical future threat, based entirely on modelling – to the silence of politicians on what was happening in Germany in the 1930s, yet have yourself been totally silent about an actual, global attack on human rights, which threatens the immediate destruction of liberal democracy in Britain and around the world.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Barr
(on behalf of Jews for Justice).

Source link for sharing:

God Bless you


Will Israeli Jews stand up now, or risk being wiped out?

As if the corona-bogeyman wasn’t bad enough already, the vaxxine drive is something else entirely. Dr Zev Zelenko has called these injections, bluntly, “the poison death shot.” I think he has a point – an experimental gene altering therapy being injected willy-nilly into whoever, of whatever age, and then, oh by the way, those rare blood clots, heart attacks and strokes don’t seem to be so rare after all. As the narrative crumbles and the terrorists governments double down on their endless demands, Israel is at a crossroads. This people – many of whom are religious – have been injured and harmed, and they have died in droves after these injections. Now they have been told by Israeli Health Ministry vaccination advisory committee member and deputy chief of Israel’s biggest hospital Professor Arnon Afek:

“Those who think we won’t need to take more boosters are wrong. We will need to take the 4th shot, the 5th shot, the 6th shot, and the 7th shot.”

(You know that what were once called conspiracy theories are now just spoiler alerts, right?)

We’ve been warning – those in the new media, in the grassroots research, protest, resistance and sousveillance field – that this was part of the plan. Endless jabs for endless pharma profits and a “greenpass” (commiepass) to control you, turning freedoms into privileges for obeying the state. I’ve said before that they want to replace God (and part two), taking full control over the people, being all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful.

Israel is being told a truth which is coming to all countries. If you don’t stand now you will have NO FREEDOMS LEFT. You are being funnelled into taking the mark of the beast.

With the numbers of deaths and maimings from the poison death shots on the rise, can Israel buck the trend and stop their leadership from wiping them out? It could take as little as one generation to do this. It’s a disaster for their genetic heritage, just as it is for all races and all nations. These jabs must be stopped and the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity held to account in a court with a second Nuremberg trial, followed by capital punishment.

Let’s pray to God for His intervention, and His protection during these dark and evil times.


Reclaiming the language in the face of terrorism

I eat a lot of chocolate, I really love the stuff. Perhaps it’s time to call myself a “chocolate extremist”. Perhaps you like one of Britain’s favourite biscuits rather more than most people – you could dub yourself a “Hobnob extremist” – what am I getting at here?

The language has been weaponised against us for long enough. The creation of the phrase “conspiracy theorist” has been used to dismiss valid concerns, valid research and valid truths for decades now. So many of the “theories” have been proven true that it’s laughable and ought, by now (were it not for media collusion) to be impossible to maintain it as a slur.

The only logical conclusion at this point is that we have been lied to fundamentally and consistently for decades.

So how to we reclaim the language? How do we end the weaponisation of words against us? Perhaps we should refer to those who walk lockstep with everything the media tells them to do and who deny the reality of sinister machinations (not even hidden by the likes of the WEF) “coincidence theorists”.

We should certainly be referring to those in positions of power and control as terrorists, because to call them fear mongers is insufficient. Indeed with decades of psychological experimentation complete, they know exactly the effects of their mental cruelty on the public and where this will inevitably lead.

They know about the suicides, the depression, the loss of confidence, and the dependency on the state for money. They know about the pride of those who are “curtain twitchers” dobbing in their neighbours for small infractions of the coronavirus rules last year. They know just who is elevated by crisis and enjoys the cult-like rituals it has brought into being. They know who is most likely going to make a good SS guard for any future gulags they have planned. They know who will break and who will soar – who will comply through weakness and who will comply through zeal.

So we must reclaim the narrative at every opportunity. Offer that nosey neighbour a nice brown shirt. Offer to polish their jackboots for them. Remind those wavering that “you can’t comply your way out of tyranny” and remember to call out evil wherever you see it. Asked to show a green pass, say “I don’t have the mark of the beast” and break the media narrative’s hold in their minds whenever you can.

It isn’t cruel to make people think – it’s a kindness to do that. Stand and be that lone voice in your social circle if you must – be the one rejecting all that the government demands you believe. Kick out against the pride of the new stasi, and put out a loving and lifting hand to those breaking under the strain of government terrorism.

And pray – above all pray.

God Bless you


So, where are we…?

On the roadmap, where are we? How much farther do we need to go before people wake up to the tyranny? How long have we, who did not believe the lie from the beginning of this tyranny, been waiting for the others to wake up?

So many times I have read comments from others who are aware of the lies we’ve been told in the media and from our governments, saying “This ought to wake a few people up!”, and yet little seems to change.

Most countries, including Ukraine, are moving towards tyranny in their own ways. Here, teachers have lost their jobs due to refusal to vaccinate – what can be so precious about this vaccine that doesn’t work, and is in fact provably connected across the world to rising infection rates, illness, hospitalisations and deaths? What are they really trying to do? Is it the transhuman agenda, or is it more about the vax pass controls?

Whatever it is, we are being funnelled towards the mark of the beast, and in my best Russian I have had to master the phrase “У меня нет знака зверя” – I have no mark of the beast.

Tyranny is stalking each nation, and each nation’s inhabitants deal with it differently. Many here engage in illegal non-compliance, and have bought fake vax passes. Others have lined up to be jabbed, and believe everyone should. Others have stood their ground in protest. Venues, equally, have reacted differently to the imposition of the vax pass – some are full on covidian, and will not allow entry without the pass, at which I turn on my heel and walk away, wondering what that poor soul will do for a job when the business goes bust, as it inevitably will if they continue. There is no social safety net here – none. There is a pension of $100 per month for the elderly – it is not enough to survive on. There are no unemployment benefits, and so many businesses – deprived, thankfully, of government cash, simply flout the rules and do not ask for the pass. Many venues like that exist locally and I relish spending my money with them knowing I am helping them stay in business and survive this holocaust of the free market which the government is so keen on.

And why are governments so keen on this destruction and the sacrifice of hard working people’s earning ability? It is to render us servile pets of the state, dependent on the hand outs which are designed to bring us to the mark of the beast. Without independence the people will either obey or quite possibly starve.

It’s all about control – the failed vaccine is proof that democide was the plan all along. Control was the plan all along. Compliance was the plan all along, and finally the mark of the beast was the plan all along.

Watch for the faces of wickedness plastered all over the media – the evil men and women who are merely pawns in this global takedown. Each of them part of the picture, but not the whole picture, because if you removed even one person from the situation it would change nothing – each evil person is only one head of the hydra which is behind it all. Satan himself is behind this and we do not wrestle with flesh and blood – it’s not Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab who we battle with, no it is the powers and the principalities we battle with, the spiritual wickedness in high places.

This is a time of refining. It is a time of letting go, and of moving to a simpler, purer and more focussed faith, and a deeper and more searingly honest relationship with God, knowing what is coming, and wanting… just more time for the still-so-many who are not saved.

Keep praying, fellow saints, and in memory of Rob Skiba, please keep praying at 4:44pm each day to see the turning back of the evil which is being done against mankind.

Please leave a comment to let me know how things are in your part of the world. Do you have vax passes? Are businesses enforcing them? I’d love to know.

God Bless you


If you were a pregnant mother and smiling doctors came to you with murder on their minds

The following is from Jon Rappoport’s blog – he used to be found on wordpress, until he was de-platformed for writing the truth. Please visit the blog here, and sign up to his newsletter.

I’ve been writing a series of articles demonstrating that much medical research rests on the murder of infants.

In particular, vaccine research.

Several key cell lines are derived from fetal tissue. And doctors obtain that tissue by removing fetuses from pregnant mothers; the fetuses are alive; the doctors then kill the fetuses by cutting out their kidneys or their brains or hearts.

How were (and are) these pregnant mothers approached by doctors?

Are the mothers provided with anything resembling informed consent? Do the mothers sign agreements to keep quiet about what the doctors are going to do to their babies? How many of the mothers have no idea what is about to happen? Are the mothers paid?

There are mothers out there who can speak up. They should.

If YOU were a pregnant mother, what would you say if a doctor told you: “We understand you don’t want your baby. Fine. We want to plan your abortion and schedule it. We’ll be there. You can contribute to medical research by allowing us to remove your infant from your womb, fully intact, and alive. Then we will take your infant’s kidneys, to obtain tissue for research on vaccines. By removing your baby’s kidneys, we will be killing him or her. He or she will be on the table, breathing, heart beating, and we will kill him or her.”

What would you say?

How many mothers in the past hundred years do you think were informed in this way—after which they gave their consent? Zero?

THIS is what my series of current articles is about.

The fetal cell line called HEK 293 has been used to test COVID vaccines. The available evidence, and obvious physiological factors, point to the murder of a female baby to harvest her tissue for HEK 293.

I’ve emphasized, and will continue to emphasize, that this horrific serial murder of infants surely demands all people of faith reject the vaccine.

But of course, I’m not just talking about the 5 billion people in the world who claim to be religious. I’m talking about everybody. Everybody with a shred of conscience has a compelling and urgent reason to turn away from the vaccine. Read more

Will you take action to end this practice? Do not collude with evil.

God Bless you
