The Daily Mail censors South Africa comments AGAIN!

I have to keep posting these – there has to be a record somewhere of what is being censored in the MSM – how important to keep showing that, try as we might to raise this issue, we have not been ALLOWED to tell the truth about South Africa.

The other day there was an  an article about a woman who had posted this image on her Twitter to a storm of condemnation:

muslim majority.jpg

When whites are a minority, we know what it’ll be like: South Africa, so I commented:

comments they won't allow sa crop.jpg

Needless to say this was too close to the truth for the Daily Mail to allow out there, and the comment did not appear.

Then yesterday they had an article about South Africa – someone had been out to SA taking drone photographs of the disparity of the dwellings of the rich and the poor. I commented as a reply to another commenter (click for bigger)

sa comment crop.jpg

I also commented: (again click for bigger)sa comment 2 crop.jpg

Neither appeared. Interestingly the comments on that article were moderated – why would you need to moderate comments on an article about aerial photographs of SA? Take a look at what was allowed:

moderated comments on an article about SA crop.jpg

Just vague comments and questions – nothing of any substance. I am disgusted with the DM for this. If you want to see the article you can find it here: Link – and also note that the article appears in the TRAVEL section of the paper?! Wow – not even worth the political attention of readers. Disgraceful. I’ll share couple of troubling things now, both thanks to

sa farmers

stop white genocide

We MUST act to support South African whites NOW! Can you act as a sponsor for someone seeking to leave SA? Look into your immigration laws – if you are wealthy or have work, can you sponsor a white South Africa worker and their family to come to your country? If you can, then please consider this – get in touch with me via the About Lis page. I have contacts who would love to hear from you, I’m sure. We have to do everything we can both for those leaving, and for those staying – first and foremost – PRAY for South Africa, please!

Also please consider a donation to Karin Smith – she needs a secod surgery and she’s not over her first yet. The wonderful folks at (South Africa Faily Relief Project) made this wonderful little video as a tribute to Karin’s hard work and dedication. Keep them and her in your prayers please. This fight is for the life of our race – if they can get away with this in SA they can get away with it here (and they plan to).

Please share the video far and wide – it’s good for both Karin and for the whole movement in general.

God Bless you


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