3 thoughts on “Where were you? Job and the flat-earth bible”

  1. I don’t believe in a cylindrical or flying-saucer shaped earth. I say those shapes because the earth has thickness to it, it is not even close to 2-D. In Hebrew, there is not a special word for sphere, so circle of the earth is used. A sphere is the only shape that looks like a circle from any perspective you look at it – not just the top and bottom. Flat-earthers have to deny a bunch of stuff, like gravity, or they somehow have to make the sun a lot smaller and closer. They believe in magnetism attraction and not gravity. I guarantee that all of the airline pilots who fly commuter flights around the world believe in the spherical earth. Unlike geoengineering, I haven’t seen one prestigious airline pilot or scientist who has climbed on board this theory. I’ve heard small-earthers say that this makes them feel more important, like the sun revolves around the earth and that “we” are the center. But I don’t think the universe was designed to make us feel important, it was designed to make us think how amazing GOD is. I think this thing is a total red herring from the devil to distract and deceive Christians.
    Even, however, if it were true – even – it is not a thing emphasized as a point of faith in the Bible. There is so much more said about the role of Christians in fulfilling the great commission, and just walking humbly with God. (So I would urge people to run away from this theory, I’ve seen acquaintances swallowed up by it.)


    1. Interesting – thank you for commenting. I live just on the edge of the fens, and I can tell you it’s flat. I mean FLAT. The issue of curvature is complex, but at 8″ curvature PER MILE, you would be able to see it here. This article is a scientific appraisal of the flatness of Kansas – their conclusion is that it’s ‘flatter than a pancake’ http://www.usu.edu/geo/geomorph/kansas.html, which would be impossible on a sphere with 8″ curvature per mile. So the answer? I really don’t know. It’s either flat, flatish or very, very much larger than we’ve been told! That’s the only other explanation of the lack of curvature. I think the bible can be taken literally, and that it is flat, but the importance of this is relative – it is Yeshua and our Heavenly Father who are important!

      God Bless you



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