The religion of kindness – painting yourself into a corner

God says to us that our righteousness is as filthy rags. Do you understand what that means? Someone once described it as being like a menstrous rag. From cleaning my own menstrous rags (!), I can tell you that that is pretty yucky, isn’t it! When we lean on our own understanding, deciding what it is to be righteous, we are capable of the most appalling crimes in the eyes of God, and all because we are so kind.

I have a friend who tells me that, as she is not a believer, that her religion is kindness. I love her – her whole family – and I feel great empathy for her position. Once upon a time, before God revealed himself to me, I would have said that was a pretty good position to take. A religion of kindness – what kind of world could we have based on that?

I’ve written before that ‘tolerance leads to suffering‘ – well kindness will get you backed into that corner even faster. Compassion for sin? Tolerance, legalising, promoting and teaching of sin? We have all those going on today. Homosexuality was legalised 50 years ago this year in the UK, as was abortion. They were made legal, and that was the first step, and if you didn’t like it, take a step back. Then it became a crime to hate homosexuals. Take another step back. Then we have to be careful not to offend homosexuals. Take another step back.

The young girl who had sex before marriage and ended up with an unplanned pregnancy – what could be kinder than to let her get rid of it so she can go on and pretend like it didn’t happen? Murdering a child becomes an act of kindness to the child carrying it. It is evil in the sight of God!

Kindness – our version of kindness – is a blank slate for satan to write on, our delicate, sensitive, compassionate ears are shell-like for satan to whisper in. And so it goes on. Now children can choose their gender. This has sprung up, not out of nowhere, but out of the seedbeds of mens (and women’s) hearts. In fact women’s hearts, as satan knows of old, are the better seedbed for deception. Women are naturally inclined to a level of sensitivity for others that renders us poor leaders, and often poor decision makers. Our natural sensitivity can cause us to be deceived by satan and his “reasoning”, whereas, I would hope, a man would either not hear, or not heed, that voice of ‘reason’. We women are too kind. Too compassionate.

Everything satan says is reasonable, or starts out that way. Everything he teaches, whispers and gives images to in the mind begins as kindness, and slowly becomes Gehenna itself. Gehenna is full to the brim now with perverts who are perpetually aflame with lust, with needs which can never be met. Whether their lusts are sexual or other – they are constantly in need of a greater, bigger and deeper portion. Kindness, to them, would be freedom from their sin, but that isn’t legal anymore. It’s not legal to help a homosexual be set free from his demons through prayer and fasting.

In being kind to homosexuals we have constrained the man of God from doing the works of God. Freeing the captives? No, kindness says the man of God must take a big step back – backed into the corner he can only preach a diluted creed. Because the bible is unkind? The God we love and who loves us, is ‘cruel’? Or worse, He didn’t mean what He said, and we should re-interpret His words in light of our own understanding, or some historical nugget, so that perversion can be allowed in, embraced, and placed in a position of teaching and pastoring the flock?

Homosexuals in the churches. Transgenders flaunting their demons (because mark me that is demonic – these poor souls don’t know freedom from their affliction even when given the body they believe they should have – because God does not make mistakes). They were never in the wrong body to begin with.

Kindness can be anything from giving candy to a child as a treat (leading later to obesity), or it can be letting your child stay up and party the night before exams (which they then fail). Kindness can look like whatever you want it to. It can look like ‘self love’ or even, much worse ‘self-respect’.

It is separation from God.

Is God cruel? No – God is righteous. We can only be righteous when we follow in His ways and do what He wants us to. Our righteousness – our kindness – is as menstrous rags before Him. And that’s yucky.

God Bless you


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